The RTK team offers a unique blend of expertise with unparalleled experience in providing and communicating high quality analysis for practitioner and policy audiences. Our team has a strong academic base and a solid publications record as well as mixed methods researchers and practitioners with a broad range of practical experience in the private, public and third sector.
Tony Munton, Managing Director
Tony is a Chartered Psychologist and former academic researcher with more than 30 years’experience in undertaking policy research for central and local government.
Miriam Antcliffe, Research Director
Miriam is a highly experienced social researcher and project manager and is also a registered Social Worker with a background in children and families.
Linda Jackson, Senior consultant
Linda has published extensively, she has a flair for presenting research findings in a clear, accessible format whilst maintaining academic rigour.
Alan Gomersall, Principle Data Retrieval Consultant
Alan launched the Information Retrieval Unit at King’s College London and established the unit as one of the world leaders in designing and implementing searches.
Dr Elaine Wedlock, Specialist Advisor
Elaine is Head of Research and Analysis at the Office of the Victim’s Commissioner and an Associate Lecturer in Systems Thinking
Carol Salt, Specialist Advisor
Carol is a leading expert and experienced practitioner in the delivery of Children’s Services.
Edward Gretton, Specialist Advisor
Edward has a wide range of experience of social policy, criminal justice and management development issues in public, voluntary and private sectors both in the UK and internationally.
Will Parry, Specialist Advisor
Will is a social scientist, statistician and professional data analyst with over 10 years’ experience in research and consultancy.
Dr Matt Hopkins, Specialist Advisor
Matt is an Associate Professor in Criminology at the University of Leicester. He previously worked as a researcher in the crime and criminal justice field in the private sector and was also formerly a Lecturer in Criminology at Nottingham Trent University.
Dr. Chris Dewberry, Specialist Advisor
Chris is a Chartered Psychologist and Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society.
Professor Rob Briner, Specialist Advisor
Rob is Professor of Organizational Psychology at Queen Mary, University of London and winner of HR Magazine’s Most Influential Thinker list 2016.
Dr Peter Mallaburn, Specialist Advisor
Peter is a climate change practitioner with a particular interest in the interface between policy, research and the real world.
Emma Carter, Senior Consultant
Emma is an experienced researcher and analyst with a background in operational research, statistics and decision support.
Julian is a social scientist with experience of qualitative research on the criminal justice system and labour market interventions.