We understand that in the context of tightening budgets and scare resources it is becoming increasingly important to spend money on ‘what works’.
We understand that in the context of tightening budgets and scare resources it is becoming increasingly important to spend money on ‘what works’. The RTK offers a range of services including impact, process and implementation evaluations. We are committed to understanding and meeting the needs of our clients to ensure we provide them with a clear understanding of where their services are delivering desired impact. Our evaluations typically incorporate a range of approaches, triangulating data to deliver high quality, robust reports.
We have a wealth of experience of delivering evaluations for emergent, complex and heterogeneous interventions including complex community-based programmes. We specialise in theory-based and realistic approaches with particular expertise in theory of change as is discussed further on our blog page. We work with closely with clients to unpick what they’re hoping to achieve through their intervention so that they can effectively measure whether this intended change has taken place.
Client: Leeds City Council
Title: Family Valued Evaluation
Brief: Leeds City Council received the largest grant of the DfE Social Care Innovation Fund for its programme ‘Family Valued’. This was an ambitious programme of whole system change which involved implementing restorative practice across children’s services and the social work service. LCC required a large-scale evaluation of the family valued programme.
Client: The Youth Sport Trust (YST)
Brief: YST commissioned the RTK to an outcome and process evaluation to establish the impact of their Lead Your Generation: An Inclusive Futureprogramme, funded by the Big Lottery.
Client: London Youth
Title: Evaluation of Athan 31- My team, My Club, My Community Programme project.
Brief: London Youth commissioned the RTK to deliver an impact evaluation of their project Athan 31–My team, My club, My community Programme project. Additionally, they also wanted an economic evaluation using a cost-benefit analysis.
Client: Lambeth Council
Brief: Lambeth Council is at the forefront of a new approach to the way local authorities deliver public services; it has become one of the country’s first Co-operative Councils. This new approach redefines the relationship between the council and the citizens it services. At its heart is an assumption that public services are more responsive when power is shared between citizens and government. To support the effective roll out of this approach, Lambeth have commissioned theRTK Ltd to review ten existing evaluation reports in a way that provides a strong, structured narrative enabling future development to be based on a rigorous, evidence-based understanding of how best to create the conditions that lead to the successful delivery of coproduced outcomes.
Client: Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT)
Brief: The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT) required a process evaluation of their programme known as The Box. The Box is a training package and screening tool aimed at improving the awareness amongst criminal justice professionals of the contribution speech and language services can make to the delivery of an efficient, effective and equitable criminal justice system.
Client:General Medical Council
Title: Identifying unmet needs from the Gateways to the Professions guidance
Brief: The General Medical Council (GMC) wanted to update their guidance for medical education providers about how to support disabled learners.